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Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts

Microsoft announces the general availability of the WebView2 control that enables you to embed web technologies in your native web applications. The control is based on the new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge web browser and is a successor to the old EdgeHTML based WebView.


Along with this announcement, Microsoft now officially released a forward-compatible WebView2 SDK and a production-ready WebView2 Runtime. For details, continue reading further.

Published by on under CSS | HTML

With the advent of the mass-marketed smartphone, the iPhone, in 2007, small-functionality native apps were a logical functionality solution. Small, compact pieces of software providing everything from weather reports to mobile games were available at a tap of our screen for 99 cents (or free) from an online store.


Android-based mobile devices followed Apple’s example, and the native app reigned supreme for several years, providing a more tailored experience that appeared much safer than the terrifying primordial, virus-riddled soup of web-based applications.

Published by on under Android | HTML

If you have a website/blog, you may have some HTML headings (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 tags) to decorate the content headers and would like to create easy navigational anchor links, so that, people can easily copy the direct link specific to that heading.


Today, in this blog post, we will learn how easy it is to dynamically generate the links using CSS and jQuery. Continue reading to learn the step-by-step approach.

Published by on under CSS | CSS3

The expectations of consumers have changed immeasurably in recent years. Digitally-savvy web users now demand flawless and engaging online experiences. Gone are the days of static text displayed as if you’re reading a book.


A new markup language has enabled developers to take user experiences to the next level, delivering rich content that’s secure and operates efficiently within your web browser.

Published by on under Editorial | HTML

In HTML, generally we use the following layout display modes: none, block, inline, table and positioned. There exists one layout module, named Flexible Box Layout, which allows you to create a flexible layout and make it as a Wrap Panel.


In this blog post, we will learn about Flex Box Layout and how to use it to create a wrap panel by just using HTML and CSS.

Published by on under CSS | CSS3

Looking to jump start a career in web development? Seeking help in recalling an HTML tag? Just here to check out what all the fuss about HTML is about? Well, if your answer to any of these questions is in the affirmative, then you’ve come to the right place.

Published by on under GuestPost | HTML

If you want to display more information in a small space of a webpage, you want to use 'Toggle panel'. This way user only have to click on a link or a tab (based on your design) to display the information within that less space. The other pane will collapse automatically to give a toggle effect.


In this tutorial, we will learn how to create the effect in a HTML web page using only CSS. We will not use any JavaScript for this. Continue reading to learn more.

Published by on under CSS | HTML

There could be some possible business cases where we need to insert a HTML element inside a post. This should not be a static one but a dynamically injected at the middle of the article. So, what to do in such case? How can we insert it by writing some code?


Today in this blog post, we are going to see the same with the help of jQuery code. This will not only reduce the burden of writing huge code, but also give a better performance.

Published by on under HTML | JavaScript

In current web based application market, it’s more important to load and browse the application faster and there application caching is becoming most important thing. All the browsers support caching but that is not enough.


HTML5 now comes with application caching mechanism by which a developer can tell the client to cache what it needs to browse them in offline too. Continue to read more about it in today’s post.

Published by on under HTML | HTML5

Few days ago, we learned about “Easy Form Validation using HTML5”. Hope, you liked that post. Today we will explore another new great feature of HTML5 with complete code analysis and simple but easy to understandable demo.


HTML5 exposes geolocation API to get the geographical location of user. Today we will focus our discussion on this topic. So, continue reading.

Published by on under DZone | HTML

Writing validation logic using JavaScript in a HTML form is not an easy way. We all have seen it in HTML4 but what’s new in HTML5? Will it provide us easy way to validate the form with writing a small piece of code only?


Today we will be talking about this validation stuffs in HTML5. But as usual, all the browsers don’t support all of them but a good start to think for future.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

If you are a web developer, many time you want to use a HTML Color Code Generator, which can give you proper hex-code for your selected color. Also, you might want to integrate a color palate in your web application for your user.


This post will help you to build a color palate in any web page and chose your color code from there. A sample and it’s code is attached here for your direct referral.

Published by on under HTML | JavaScript

During TechEd 2012 Telerik announced their first control library set for Windows 8 Metro application. I blogged about it few days ago and if you didn’t read it yet, you can find it here “First Look to Telerik RadControls for Win8 Metro”.


Earlier this control library set was for few developers through invitation only as it was in Early Adopter Mode. Telerik now released the first beta set of this controls for public download. You can now use these controls to develop your Windows 8 Metro applications. As it is in beta stage, the library is available for free download and once they release the final binaries, we will come to know about the pricing. Till then, try out the controls and read the complete post to find out the downloadable link and other resources.

Published by on under HTML | Metro

During TechEd 2012, Telerik announced their first commercial library for building Windows 8 Metro applications. This control library is a set of controls for XAML and HTML apps. User can chose the language of their own choice and deliver a high end Windows 8 enterprise and consumer applications using these controls.


In this blog post, I will describe more about the controls and guide you to kick start with your Metro application development using the Telerik RadControls. The controls set is neither yet released nor available publicly to download. In case you want a special early adopter access, this blog post will help you to get one too.

Published by on under HTML | Metro

It’s time for you to sharpen your .Net Ninja skills. The latest Telerik release is just around the corner and Telerik has tons of new stuff to show off. If you are eager to see the new bits and sharpen your .NET skills, be sure to sign up for Release Webinar Week.


This 3-day event is packed with hour-long webinar sessions on the coolest new features shipping with the Q1 2012 release.  Release Webinar Week will be held on February 20 – 22, so mark your calendars and win some cool stuffs from Telerik.

Published by on under HTML | HTML5

Here is our weekly digest post of During 13th November to 19th November, we have submitted 69 new posts in our database. Find the top 5 posts running on the site here. Also, we have links to daily digest pages. If you missed one, you can easily find it here.


If you have blog and you are writing article/posts on the said technologies, please share us the link below (as comment) and we will make sure to include them to spread all over the social networking sites.

Published by on under HTML | HTML5

During last week (i.e. from 14th August 2011 to 20th August 2011) we submitted 85 posts at Topics were on Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, LightSwitch and Xbox. Some posts on WPF also showcased there.


In this post find the most visited 5 posts. As usual, I am sharing the "Daily News Digest" pages of last week too, in case you want to find out the posts submitted during the week.

Published by on under HTML | HTML5