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Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0 was generally available on November 8, 2021, and continues adding new features & improvements to it. Now the company releases Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 5, which brings several bug fixes.


In this context, it is worth noting that Visual Studio 2022 is the first version of the IDE that is available as a 64-bit app and thus it is not limited to ~4GB of memory in the main devenv.exe process.


Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 5 addresses several bugs


What's new and improved in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 5

  • Fixed several issues where using omp task when combining the /openmp:llvm and /ZI would cause the compiler to crash or silently generate bad code.
  • Fixed an issue when Debugging Android applications when Fast Deployment is disabled.
  • Correct an issue causing C2567 when using /experimental:deterministic, /pathmap, and /clr.
  • Fix crashes in ARM64X thunks from /RTC flags.
  • Don't decorate already decorated ARM64EC symbols while linking.
  • We have fixed an issue with the Azure Container Apps workflow generation where the Service principal generation fails if a service principal with the same name is already present.
  • Added <=> and == operators to ATL CString
  • Updated the linker flags table to allow the -cgthreads and -pdbthreads to differ between in the GENRROFILE and USEPROFILE phases
  • A problem publishing projects that contain an x86 COM reference with ClickOnce has been fixed.
  • Fixes a VS crash bug, when adding multiple launch profiles in Manage Docker Compose Launch Settings dialog
  • Fix packaging of no-write-symbols,nodebug AOT'd assemblies within Xamarin.Android applications.
  • The C# compiler would generate incorrect codegen or crash in certain scenarios with interpolated string handlers and from-end indexers in deconstruction assignments. These issues have now been fixed. For more details, see and
  • Fix for an intermittent VS crash when WinForms .NET designer is open and some operations are performed on the project.
  • Add ARM64EC to /MACHINE options for link.exe.


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