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Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0 was generally available on , and continues adding new features & improvements to it. Now the company releases Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 2, which brings several new improvements for C++, Git Tooling, Editor, and IDE.


In this context, it is worth noting that Visual Studio 2022 is the first version of the IDE that is available as a 64-bit app and thus it is not limited to ~4GB of memory in the main devenv.exe process.


Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 2 adds several improvements


What's new and improved in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 2


  • A new Configure Preset template has been added to configure and build CMake projects on a remote macOS system with CMakePresets.json. You can also launch CMake targets on a remote macOS system and debug with the front-end of the Visual Studio debugger backed by GDB or LLDB.
  • You can now debug core dumps on a remote MacOS system from Visual Studio with LLDB or GDB.
  • The versions of Clang and LLVM shipped with Visual Studio have been upgraded to v13.
  • Visual Studio's CMake integration will only activate when a CMakeLists.txt is identified at the root of the open workspace. If a CMakeLists.txt is identified at another level of the workspace, then you will be prompted to activate Visual Studio's CMake integration with a notification.
  • Added a new register visualisation window for embedded targets, available through Debug > Windows > Embedded Registers.
  • Added a new thread view for RTOS projects, available through Debug > Windows > RTOS Objects.



Git Tooling

  • Added capability to compare branches in Visual Studio
  • Introduced enhancements to the detached head state including the ability to checkout commits
  • Multi-repo branching enhancements including the ability to create branches accross different repositories at the same time (preview feature)
  • Line-staging support, a.k.a interactive staging with the ability to stage specific lines and/or chunks of code (preview feature)


  • Visual Studio can now automatically save code documents whenever the application loses focus. This feature is currently a preview feature and can be accessed in Tools\Options under Environment\Preview Features. If the "Autosave" option is checked, Visual Studio will attempt to save all dirty code documents whenever the Visual Studio application loses focus (e.g. when switching to another application in Windows).
  • The Code Cleanup feature can now be configured to be run whenever a file is explicitly saved. In Tools\Options under Text Editor\Code Cleanup, a new option allows users to enable the Code Cleanup on explicit save as well as to select the profile to run. Note that this option will not cause Code Cleanup to be run on autosave.




  • Add your Github AE account using the integrated account management experience (Requires enabling GitHub Enterprise Server accounts)
  • Added ability to toggle color scheme to color your tabs by File Extension or Project.
  • Added capability to customize tab colors when color tabs are enabled. Right-click on a color tab and select Set tab color.

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Editor

  • Razor will now add missing using directives if a quick action requires one.

.NET Productivity

  • We now surface Source Link as part of Go to Definition, allowing you to navigate to the original source file.
  • We added a new Stack Trace Explorer window.
  • The EditorConfig UI now includes Naming Styles.

Test tools

  • Code coverage tools can now produce the cobertura code coverage format. You can enable this in runsettings by adding <Format>Cobertura</Format> in the DataCollector configuration section in your runsettings file. This format can be viewed in the code coverage results window in Visual Studio Enterprise.
  • You can also collect with the cobertura format from the cli by either specifying it in the runsettings file or specifying it in a parameter. For the dotnet cli use dotnet test --collect:"Code Coverage;Format=Cobertura". For vstest use vstest.console.exe /collect:"Code Coverage;Format=Cobertura". The collect parameter will override the format specified in runsettings.



Issues addressed in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1 Preview 2

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