Visual Studio 2022 v17.6.4: Improved Stability and Enhanced Functionality
Enhanced stability and bug fixes in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.4. Improved performance and a smoother coding experience for developers. - Story published by Kunal Chowdhury on .
Microsoft's Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.4, released on June 20th, 2023, brings several bug fixes and enhancements to ensure a smoother and more productive development experience. This update addresses various issues reported by the developer community, improving the stability and functionality of the popular integrated development environment (IDE).
Visual Studio 2022: Addressing Issues and Enhancing Development in Version 17.6.4
What's new and improved in Visual Studio 2022 v17.6.4?
C++ File Saving Hangs Resolved
One of the significant fixes in this release is related to an issue where saving a C++ file would sometimes cause the IDE to hang. With version 17.6.4, developers can save their C++ files without experiencing any disruptions, resulting in a more seamless workflow.
Improved "Show All Files" Mode for VC Projects
Previously, enabling the "Show All Files" mode for a VC project occasionally led to missing files in the GoTo and FindInFiles features. This release addresses the problem, ensuring that all relevant files are included and readily accessible when navigating and searching within projects.
Syntax Error Fix for '__declspec(property)' with C++20 and /clr
Developers working with C++20 and /clr encountered syntax errors when using '__declspec(property)'. This release rectifies the issue, allowing developers to utilize '__declspec(property)' without any syntactical conflicts.
ASAN Initialization Race Condition Fix
A race condition in ASAN initialization caused crashes during startup. The team has resolved this issue, ensuring a stable launch for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.4 and providing a smoother experience for developers.
Improved CPU Usage during Test Execution
When running multiple test projects in sequence, the vstest.console could consume excessive CPU resources due to continuous polling for data from the testhost. The latest update mitigates this issue by disabling testhost pre-start, resulting in reduced CPU usage during test execution.
Fix for MessagingRemoteException in MAUI targeting iOS
The release addresses a MessagingRemoteException encountered when utilizing an XCFramework in MAUI targeting iOS. This fix resolves the issue, enabling seamless development and deployment of cross-platform applications.
Windows App SDK and Windows SDK Updates
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.4 includes Win App SDK 1.3.230502000, providing developers with access to the latest features and enhancements. Additionally, a servicing update for Windows SDK for Windows 11 (10.0.22621.1778) is also incorporated, ensuring compatibility and improved functionality.
Enhanced Stability and Bug Fixes
Several stability issues reported by the developer community have been addressed in this release. Fixes include accidental undocking of document tabs into floating windows, crashes during solution close, and specific issues related to Xbox Series X UnrealEngine plugin compilation, Find in Files functionality, C++/CLR syntax errors, code analysis crashes, MS-Access data source selection, TextTransform utility command line regression, duplicate keystrokes in cshtml files, and sticky scroll selection issues.
To Sum Up
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.4 represents Microsoft's commitment to providing developers with an efficient and reliable integrated development environment. This release resolves numerous issues, ranging from compiler errors to stability improvements, ensuring a more productive and enjoyable coding experience.
By addressing the concerns raised by the developer community, Microsoft continues to refine Visual Studio 2022, empowering developers to build exceptional applications with confidence.
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