Last week, Microsoft added Coauthoring Error Recovery Experience to Microsoft Office version 2111. The improvement was added to Microsoft Office build 14609.20000 and was released to Office Insiders who are in the Windows Beta Channel.
In this week, though there are no new features in the latest Microsoft Office build, Microsoft tried to fix a few bugs which were part of earlier builds. Here is the list of new changes (official changelog) in the latest Microsoft Office Build 14613.20000.

What's new and improved in Microsoft Office Version 2111 (Build 14613.20000)
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where the Like button did not appear for Group emails if the user opens an inbox email and closes it before going to Groups.
- We fixed an issue where Outlook would display fewer contact lists/contact groups in suggestions than expected.
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where some tables spanning multiple pages would bounce up and down (due to redrawing) in a no-margin page view.
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where a query update caused Excel to stop responding.
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where copying an embedded object caused the embedded object to save, as well as re-saving the containing document (which created a new version if AutoSave was enabled).