If you are still using Windows Phone 7.x and Windows Phone 8.x devices, time to think now to switch to a new device. Microsoft, in a forum post announced that, starting 20th February 2018, they have stopped the notifications services in Windows Phone 7.5/8.0 devices.
That means, if you are still using those devices, you won't get any push notifications, live tile updates and you won't be able to use the Find my phone feature too.
As both those devices (Windows Phone 7.5 and Windows Phone 8.0) reached their end of support lifecycle, Microsoft discontinued the notification services on those platforms. But, if you are using Windows Phone 8.1 and/or Windows 10 Mobile, the notification services will still function at this time. Full support to Windows 10 Mobile devices still continues.
According to Jestoni Mac, the Microsoft Forum Moderator:
On February 20, 2018, Mobile Push Notification services will be turned off for Windows Phone 7.5 and Windows Phone 8.0. Once this happens:
- Your phone will no longer receive notifications.
- Your phone will not receive additional live tile updates.
- The "Find my phone" feature will no longer locate your phone.