This August, Microsoft made several improvements to Visual Studio Code. The latest version of Visual Studio Code comes as v1.71 and includes several improvements in spite of developers taking vacations. The new improvements include an updated merge editor, support to display embedded audio and video, shell integration for Git Bash, and more.

What's new and improved in Visual Studio Code version 1.71 (August 2022 Update)
Engineering Updates
Electron 19 update
In this milestone, we finished the exploration to bundle Electron 19 into VS Code desktop and we want to thank everyone involved with self-hosting on Insiders. This update comes with Chromium 102.0.5005.167 and Node.js 16.14.2.
Windows 7 support has ended
Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 in January 2020. However, Electron continued to support Windows 7 by patching the libuv library. With the Electron 19 update, the libuv patch no longer works and we recommend users update to a newer Windows version in order to use the VS Code desktop version. VS Code will no longer provide product updates and security fixes on Windows 7.
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