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Azure DevOps

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Microsoft Azure is one of the major public cloud providers offering various PaaS, computing, storage, analytical services, and more. Its growing popularity is mainly due to the scalability and flexibility it offers while building complex infrastructure. However, the challenge arises when one receives their month-end Azure bill and notices a significant cost spike exceeding the budget estimated.


As a result of this, organizations have started prioritizing cost management/optimization and while looking to explore new strategies, many have identified FinOps to be one of the most effective practices that can be incorporated.


So, this blog will address the most asked questions, like why one should implement it and what are the best Azure FinOps tools currently available?

Published by on under Azure | Azure DevOps

In a move that will likely excite many web developers and content creators, Microsoft has recently released the public preview of their free hosting plan for WordPress on App Service. This move comes one year after they made the General Availability announcement of WordPress on App Service in August 2022.


This article delves into the specifics of this exciting announcement, breaking down the benefits, eligibility, features, and some limitations of this new venture.

Published by on under Azure | Azure DevOps

In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving technological landscape, the world of software development is rapidly changing, and new trends and practices are emerging to keep pace with the demands of modern software development. Two such trends that have gained significant traction in recent years are DevOps and DevSecOps.


While these two practices share a common goal of streamlining software development, they are not the same, and it's important to understand the differences between the two.

Published by on under Azure DevOps | Editorial

Azure has made tremendous growth in the last decade. This is due to the rapid cloud adoption by various enterprises and organizations around the world. When cloud expenses increase, it becomes difficult to track and understand the utilization of Azure Resources. Lack of proper documentation leads to many problems as mentioned. Nevertheless, preparing documentation itself turns into a tedious task due to the multi-tenant architecture of Azure.


Here comes the Serverless360 Azure Documentation Tool to solve challenges in documenting Azure Subscription. This article will give you an overview of what is Azure Documenter and its benefits.

Published by on under Azure | Azure DevOps

Java codeless application monitoring is all about simplicity. Using the Java agent, you can monitor all of your Java applications hosted in any environment without performing any code changes. Microsoft now made the Java 3.0 agent for Azure Monitor Application Insights publicly available.


The Java agent can be enabled through just a couple of configuration changes, and it instantly enables powerful functionality and benefits. Continue reading further to know more about it.

Published by on under Azure | Azure DevOps

Are you using the Azure Active Directory service? To increase the security of your account, Microsoft has now increased the character limit of your cloud based Azure Active Directory password.


With this rule in place, you can now configure a password for your Active Directory with much more flexibility, while keeping your account secure.

Published by on under Azure | Azure DevOps

If you read my previous post, Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) got a new home. Microsoft rebranded it with a new name and location to give you effective ways to manage your project using Azure Pipelines, Azure Boards, Azure Artifacts, Azure Repos and Azure Test Plans.


Existing VSTS users still gets the old URL. But as an organization, you can force redirect your users to the new location by following some simple steps.

Published by on under Azure | Azure DevOps

Microsoft announced rebranding of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) as Azure DevOps, with a new name, new location and new services. Azure DevOps will allow you to plan smarter, collaborate better and ship faster with a set of modern dev services.


Let's learn what is Azure DevOps, what are the new Azure DevOps services and whether the Azure DevOps is available to all VSTS users.

Published by on under Azure | Azure DevOps