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Visual Studio 2019 was first released on and since then it went through a couple of releases. The current stable version of Visual Studio is 16.10, whereas version 16.11 is still under preview release. Recently, Microsoft also released the first preview version of Visual Studio 2022 which will be 64-bit from now.


As the next major version is coming up later this year, Microsoft confirmed that Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 will be the last and final release of Visual Studio 2019.


Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 will be the last version of Visual Studio 2019


Version 16.11 will be the final version of Visual Studio 2019 and receive support through April 2029. Additionally, the final release of 16.11 will be a servicing baseline. So, it will start the 12-month support clock for the prior baseline – version 16.9. We offer fixes for servicing baselines for 12 months after the next baseline is declared. This differs from minor version releases, like 16.10, which only receive servicing fixes until the next minor update is released. Organizations can choose when to adopt the new features that ship in minor version updates with servicing baselines, says Microsoft in a blog post.


As the Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 will go out of support in October, Microsoft urges developers, administrators, and DevOps managers to review their current version usage. Administrators should plan for migration and consider testing the final release of Visual Studio 2019.


To download the latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, navigate here to grab the official download links.


If anyone is looking for the latest Visual Studio 2022 Preview builds, you can check it out here. Do note that, Visual Studio 2022 is still under preview and doesn't contain the "Go Live" license.


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