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Microsoft announced the release of .NET 6 Preview 1 and shared what you can expect from the new release. The first preview on Microsoft .NET 6 includes a large set of new experiences and capabilities along with major improvements across all parts of .NET (desktop, mobile, and cloud apps).


.NET 6 has been tested with the latest version of Visual Studio, i.e. Visual Studio 2019 version 16.9 Preview 4 on desktop, and Visual Studio 2019 version 8.9 on Mac. Microsoft said that .NET 6 will go through multiple previews before it finally releases in November 2021.



Microsoft released .NET 6 Preview 1, and here's how you can download it


Microsoft said that .NET 6 will enable you to build apps for Android, iOS, and macOS by utilizing the capabilities that were part of Xamarin. The new release also extends what you can do with Blazor into a new kind of hybrid client app by combining the web and native UI together. You can then use it to build apps for desktop and mobile devices.


Our unification efforts offer something for all .NET developers. If you are a desktop app developer, there are new opportunities for you to reach new users. If you are a mobile app developer, you will benefit from using the mainline .NET tools and APIs while targeting iOS and Android platforms. If you are a web or cloud developer, it will be easier to expose services to .NET mobile apps and share code with them., Microsoft said in the official announcement.


The final version of .NET 6 is scheduled to be released in November 2021. As .NET 6 is part of the LTS release, it will have three years of support after the final version releases.


How to download .NET 6 for Windows, Linux, and macOS?

You can download .NET 6 Preview 1 for Windows, macOS, and Linux by navigating to the following links:


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