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Recently, Microsoft announced the rollout of Project Reunion 0.5. Being the first production release, it also includes WinUI 3. On the other hand, Uno Platform also announced the general availability of Uno Platform 3.6, enabling the software developers to build Windows applications and take them to Linux, macOS, Web, Android, and iOS.


If you didn't hear about Uno Platform yet, here's your chance to learn about it and make your modern Windows 10 applications target all other major platforms.



Uno Platform 3.6 launched with Project Reunion 0.5 support


What is Uno Platform?

Uno Platform is the only open-source platform for building Desktop, Web, and Mobile applications by using only C# and WinUI XAML. Using this, the developers can build performant, single codebase applications with Uno Platform today.


The Uno Platform is built on top of .NET taking advantage of Windows platform features such as accessibility, touch, keyboard inputs as well as rich controls like Charts, Gauges, and Grid.


High Level Architecture of the Uno Platform


Microsoft and Uno Platform worked together to release Project Union 0.5 and Uno Platform 3.6 on the same day, within a few hours difference.


With WinUI 3 – Project reunion 0.5 we are making investments to enable developers to improve Windows experiences. We are pleased to see open source projects like Uno Platform take that mission further by extending the reach of WinUI to Web, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android., said Mike Harsh, Microsoft Partner Group Program Manager.


We are delighted to see WinUI 3 launch as part of Project Reunion and alongside WinUI. We are very proud to work closely with Microsoft to ensure Uno Platform can provide day-zero support for WinUI 3 and bring WinUI-built applications everywhere, including Web, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android., said Francois Tanguay, CEO of Uno Platform.



What's new in Uno Platform 3.6?

With the Uno Platform 3.6, the company released a highly-requested DatePicker and File Pickers (Open, Save, Folder), a new Cupertino-like theme, OpenId Connect, WebAuthenticationBroker. Apart from these, the company is also continuing the support for Windows Community Toolkit and its newest release – 7.0.


Windows Community Toolkit (WCT) 7.0 in Uno Platform


The DatePicker control will provide you a standardized way to let users pick a localized date value. The user can select it by using touch, mouse, or keyboard input.


Using the latest release, you can now easily pick files and folders across Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Web. This is now being done using the native file picker dialogs (Open, Save, Folder).


A few months ago the platform added the support of Fluent UI and Material themes. With the new release, it now added one more theme – Cupertino. To see all supported controls in Fluent / Material / Cupertino themes, check out the Uno Gallery available at the company portal.


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