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Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts

In the first post on this Python Tutorial, we learnt about Python and the installation process. As we have already set up the dev environment to build and run Python application, let's begin learning how to print something on the output.


This post will guide you in speeding up writing Python scripts by mastering the usages of print() function effectively.

Published by on under Python | Python Tutorial

Python is a free, open source, cross-platform programming language that runs on multiple platforms like Windows, Linux and MacOS. If you are a beginner to Python programming, then begin with this article and continue with the flow.


In this tutorial, you will learn the Python basics which will include installation and execution of Python on your computer by writing our first Python program.

Published by on under Python | Python Tutorial

An interface in TypeScript contains only the declaration of the methods and properties, but not the implementation. It is the responsibility of the class that implements the interface by providing implementation for all the members of the interface.


Today, in this TypeScript Tutorial, we will learn how to work with Interfaces in TypeScript. Continue reading to learn more.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

Just like any other OOPs supported languages, TypeScript also allows you to inherit a base class. In the last article, we learned how to create class in TypeScript. We have also learned how to create a constructor and how to instantiate a class object.


In this article of the TypeScript Tutorial for beginners series, we will learn how to inherit a TypeScript class. Continue reading to learn it today.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

Earlier in the TypeScript Tutorial series (Getting started with TypeScript) we learnt about the TypeScript configuration file, variable declaration and basic data types. I hope that was neat and clear to understand the very basics of TypeScript.


Today in this article, we will learn how to define a class and instantiate class object. Continue reading to learn about it today.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

Like JavaScript and any other languages, TypeScript also provides basic data types to handle numbers, strings etc. Some common data types in TypeScript are: number, string, boolean, enum, void, null, undefined, any, never, Array and tuple.


Let's learn more about these basic data types of TypeScript, which you will need to use always. Let's learn with suitable examples.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

In the previous few chapters of the TypeScript Tutorial series we have learned how to install TypeScript and then begin with creating a simple HelloWorld application. We have also learned about TypeScript configuration file (tsconfig.json).


In this chapter we will learn various ways to declare variables in TypeScript. Continue reading to learn more about it.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

The tsconfig.json file allows you to specify the root level files and the compiler options that requires to compile a TypeScript project. The presence of this file in a directory specifies that the said directory is the TypeScript project root.


In this chapter of the TypeScript Tutorial series we will learn about tsconfig.json, it's various properties and how to extend it.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

If you have read the previous chapter of the TypeScript Tutorial series, you have already learned how to install Node.js and TypeScript and might have already installed those. Now, it's the time to go a step further to learn how to write code in TpeScript.


In this article, we will learn how to create a simple HelloWorld application, compile it and run it. Continue reading to know more.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

TypeScript is an open-source programming language, developed and maintained by Microsoft, and hosted in GitHub. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and can be used to develop JavaScript applications for both client-side and server-side.


This post will cover how to install Node.js and then proceed with installation of TypeScript using the Node Package Manager.

Published by on under CodeProject | DZone

There could be various reasons when you would like to amend your last commit. One of them is improper commit message and/or wrong committer information. In any of the case, you may like to change the previous commit.


In this small post, we will learn how to amend your last Git commit message as well as the committer information (username and email). Continue reading to know more.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

There could be some situation when you tagged your code in local Git repository and pushed it to remote and later you decided to delete the tag. This is simple to delete the tag reference from local, but how to perform the same in remote?


Today we are going to see the bash command(s) by which you will be able to remove the tag information from Git. Let's see, how!

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

Continuing the series of blog posts on WPF ListView/GridView control, today we will learn how to set the background color (more precisely, ‘the Style’) of a WPF ListView/GridView control’s row based on some specific parameter passed as the data.


You may want to give your user a proper visual by providing a different style to that specific row. Let’s discuss with a simple example.

Published by on under Tips | Tutorial

In general case, the header/title of a WPF ListView/GridView columns are aligned in the center and hence in many cases you will need to align the column header/title to left or right (based as per your business requirement).


Today we will learn how to do this in the XAML itself by creating a proper style for the column header. Continue reading to know the trick.

Published by on under .Net | Tips

As we learnt, the 'ListView' control provides you the base to display a set of data items or records in a WPF application. In last blog post, we learnt how to group the records in WPF ListView/GridView controls and design the UI to group using the Expander control.


Today in this small blog post, we will learn how to sort the records easily. You can either choose to sort from XAML or code, but here we will discuss how to do it from code.

Published by on under .Net | Tips

Many time we need to show a set of records grouped by a specific field. If you are building Windows app using WPF control, it is very simple to implement using the List View control that we already discussed in the last blog post.


Today we are going to discuss how easy it is to add support for grouping in the list. Continue to know about it and implement the same with a simple example.

Published by on under .Net | Tips

The 'ListView' control provides you the base to display a set of data items in a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) application in different layouts or views. In case you are working to show a dataset in your WPF app, this post will help you to get started with it.


In this blog post, we will learn about the ListView control with a basic layout followed by advance layout with a GridView. Continue reading further.

Published by on under .Net | Tutorial

Earlier we discussed about 'git add' to add files to index, 'git mv' to rename or move files. We have also discussed about 'git commit' to push the changes to staging. Now what to do if one wants to remove a file from working tree and index?


We are today going to discuss on this topic. We have a command 'git rm' to handle this case. Let's start today's discussion, part of the 'Git Tutorial Series'.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

Hopefully you are finding my posts on Git Basics helpful. As of now, as part of the Git Tutorial Series we learned about the changes, the commit to the staging area, viewing the working tree status and pushing the changes to the remote repository.


Continuing the series, today in this blog post, we will learn how to move or rename a file or directory in a Git workspace and update the Index. Also, visit Thoughtsoncloud to learn more about Kotlin programming and Android studio.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics

Earlier we learnt how to fetch, pull and push the changes. We also learnt how to stash and clean your current working tree. But what if we want to reset the current HEAD to the original state and start from the beginning?


Today we are going to discuss how to do this with the ‘git reset’ command. Continue learning more about Git on my ‘Git Tutorial’ page.

Published by on under Git | Git Basics