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It’s almost one week by now… I had a chance to speak in front of the great audience of Microsoft Developer Community, Odisha. Came back with some good moments spent at Bhubaneswar during “Enterprise Ready Cloud OS Roadshow” event.


In this post, sharing my slides on “Azure Mobile Services” along with few snaps of the event for the people who missed it.



On 21st March, me and Abhishek met at Kolkata Airport and boarded together for the event. Old flight but had a good experience. When we reached at the event, it was already started and Nirmal was giving his speech on overview of Azure platform. After his session, Abhishek started his speech on Azure platform and covered most of the things. After lunch, Tadit presented Azure website and at the end, I started with “Azure Mobile Services” demonstrating the integration part in both Windows Store app and Windows Phone app.


Here is the slide (PPT), that I used to demonstrate “Azure Mobile Services”. I will soon write an in-depth blog post on that topic, but till that time use it as reference.



Here are some snaps from the event:





And a token of appreciation from the group of Microsoft Developer Community, Odisha. Thank you Tadit, Nirmal for inviting me in this event as a speaker. Thanks to all the organizers and attendees who interacted all the time during the whole session. Sorry to those who still left the queries behind due to shortage of time but if you have any queries, do let me know and I will try to answer you over mail as soon as I can.


Hope to meet you again in some events, some day soon. If you are on Twitter or Facebook, do connect with me. Subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed and/or email newsletter to get updates of the post that I publish here.


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