The built-in coupon and price comparison tool in Microsoft Edge (Chromium) adds a new shopping experience within the browser window by displaying coupon codes when you visit any shopping site. The feature is still hidden under a flag as an experimental feature to Edge Insiders and hence you won't find it in the stable release.
Now, as part of the unified code base, Microsoft is moving the feature to the Android version of the Microsoft Edge browser. If you are running Edge Canary build on Android, you can experience the same right now. For more details, continue reading.

If you are running Microsoft Edge Canary Build 92.0.884.0 or higher on Android, you can experience the built-in coupon and price comparison tool right now. The feature is hidden under an experimental flag, which you will need to enable first.
Once you enable this feature, Microsoft Edge will show a small coupon icon in the address bar indicating a coupon is available for that shopping site. This will help you to save your money while performing a search on any shopping site without navigating from the current view.
To enable this feature, open your Microsoft Edge browser (Canary Build 92.0.884.0 or higher) on Android, and navigate to edge://flags. Now, search for the experimental feature Shopping site Coupons and enable it by selecting the associated dropdown menu. Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.