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Showing posts with label ReSharper. Show all posts

You might have already hear about Clippy. Yea, that’s the Office Assistant that we had in those days. In earlier office versions it helped us with many quick tips to complete the job easily, having some nice animations. If you are fond of it and want to use it in your development environment, there is a cool ReSharper extension for Visual Studio.


Recently I came across it and thought to share with you more details about the extension as well as some snaps and the process to install it. The extension is also available as opensource project on GitHub. Continue reading to know more.

Published by on under JetBrains | Office

Team JetBrains released the RTM version of ReSharper 9.0, a very popular productivity tool for the developers using Visual Studio IDE. The new release supports Visual Studio 2015 Preview and C# 6.0, along with many other new features and improvements.


In this post, going to share the 30-day trial version link which you can download to try the new bits. Also sharing the link towards the features. Continue to read more.

Published by on under .Net | CSharp

Today in this blog post, I will cover all the Keyboard Shortcuts of ReSharper 7 in default Visual Studio scheme. JetBrains recently released their new version of ReSharper with lots of new features and enhancements which generally improve application development productivity.


If you are new to ReSharper or just upgraded to ReSharper 7, this post will definitely help you to bookmark the keyboard shortcuts in front of your desk.

Published by on under JetBrains | ReSharper

You all might know about ReSharper tool. The current stable version of ReSharper is v5. The ReSharper team is currently working on their development to release the next version of ReSharper i.e. v6.

The new version of ReSharper has some cool new features like JavaScript, CSS and XAML support. It is currently in the early development stage and user has right to try out the new features and give feedbacks to improve them.

Yesterday I installed the new EAP release and tried out some cool feature. Among them one is: "Color support in XAML page". In this post, I am going to describe it to you. Read out the full post to learn about it.
Published by on under CodeProject | ReSharper