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When you install any operating system on your PC, it gives a unique name to it. This helps you to identify the system over a network when you have multiple systems connected in the same network. It also helps you to easily manage apps and security updates for individual PCs.


As the auto-generated names are obscure and hard to remember, it is difficult to identify the correct system by name. Here we will show you how to change the name of your Windows 10 system.



How to rename your Windows 10 PC?


  • Open the Windows 10 Settings app.
  • Navigate to System | About page.
  • Click "Rename this PC" and enter a new name.
  • Click Next and then restart your PC for the changes to take effect.


How to rename your Windows 10 system?

When you install Windows 10 on a system, it generates a random system name as per the rules set by the manufacturer. Windows 10 helps you to easily change the name of your device.


To rename your Windows 10 PC, open the Windows 10 Settings app from Start. Alternatively, you can press the WIN + I keyboard shortcut to launch the Settings app.


Now, click on the System category and navigate to the About page. In the right-panel, scroll down to the Device specifications section. Here you will see your system's current name. To change the system name, click on the Rename this PC button as shown in the following screenshot:


How do I rename my Windows 10 PC?


As shown in the following screenshot, enter a new name into the "Rename your PC" popup. You can use letters, numbers, and hyphens to construct the name of your system. If you use more than 15 characters, the name may appear truncated on some devices. So, it is advisable to use shorter than 15 characters to define the system name.


Rename your Windows 10 PC


Now click on the Next button to commit the name. You will be asked to restart the system for the changes to take effect. Click Restart now button to immediately restart your system. In case you are not ready to restart the system now, click Restart later.


Restart the system for the changes to take effect


Next time when you restart your system, you will find the new name applied to your system. The old name will no longer have any effect. If you already have shared any folder path from your system, make sure to notify the other users pointing to your system.


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