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Microsoft Tuesday - Top News - #01

With help of Microsoft, I am sharing top 5 news with you on Microsoft platform. This is the first post on this channel and I hope you will l... - Story published by Kunal Chowdhury on .

With help of Microsoft, I am sharing top 5 news with you on Microsoft platform. This is the first post on this channel and I hope you will like it over the period. Please share your views on these topics below, which will be shared to the team over time.


Above the fold, Microsoft Research makes touch develop tool as open source. Read more to find out the top 5 posts. Don’t forget to share your views/feedback.



Microsoft Research makes Touch Develop open source

Touch Develop is a touch-friendly app creation environment for iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux for beginners . The mobile-friendly editor makes coding fun, even on phone or tablet. Source code for Touch Develop is now available on GitHub. The TouchDevelop project was inspired by the programmability of 8-bit computers of the 80s that introduced many of us to the power of programming. TouchDevelop brings that magic to modern touch-based devices. The result is a tool that you can use to write basic code using a browser and can play on websites or mobile devices.



Microsoft Joins Industry in Move to Create Node.js Foundation

On 10th February 2015, Microsoft joined Joyent, Fidelity, IBM, The Linux Foundation and PayPal in announcing the move to create the Node.js. Foundation, an independent nonprofit open source development organization designed to advance community engagement relative to Node.js. The open source technology has become the runtime of choice for high-­performance, low latency applications, ranging from robots to API engines to cloud stacks and mobile websites.

Using AngularJS in Visual Studio 2013

Microsoft continually strive to make the JavaScript editing experience better, part of this is providing support for popular libraries and patterns used by developers. AngularJS is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries and you’ve asked for even better support for it in Visual Studio. This post illustrates how to improve your experience in Visual Studio 2013 when working with AngularJS; if this framework is new to you, take a look at the tutorial on the AngularJS website.

Reporting enhancements for Windows Phone developers

On 12th February 2015, Windows Dev Center released reporting changes to Windows Phone App downloads and In-app products reports. We know having data as soon as possible is important to make decisions about your apps, so in this release, the Windows Phone download and in-app purchase reports have been optimized to deliver information faster. We released this change for Windows in December, and now are aligning these improvements to Windows Phone.


You will see transaction data no more than 2 days following the transaction itself, and in many cases the turnaround will be faster. The reports also load and display faster, so if you have large number of apps or large number of transactions, you will see reports appear faster and data export generated in less time than before.

Windows 10 will offer a password replacement solution for better security

The final version of Windows 10 will be released with what Microsoft hopes is a better security solution that reduces the need for using passwords. The company also plans to support the standards that have been set up by the Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) Alliance in Windows 10. Microsoft stated: “FIDO standards enable a universal framework that a global ecosystem delivers for a consistent and greatly improved user experience of strong password-less authentication”.



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